Volume 11

January 2024 - February 2024

“Caught in a kneeling position, I focus on the sky, its wisping clouds and veiled sun.”

Matthew Bala, Mother Earth

“The folded hands of a marble statue, the still chest of a toppled goliath, a jumble of broken doll parts.”

Holly Day, The Spider in the Funeral Parlor

“No. You are inquiring about a mixed commodity. There’s a premium to the pricing.”

Nicola de Vera, Adopt, Don’t Shop

“Only a paper body, two dimensional which i fold up / when u don’t call”

Caitlin Thomson, long distance

“It all begins to flow together in time and space. It’s like a symphony but I’m not really good at musical stuff”

Elyssa Tappero, Chronic(le)

“When your florets reach my neck I see the sun inside my mirror”

EM Abatis, Ode to Tinea Versicolor

“Saffron says the father transitioned into the mother, in the same tone she tells everyone that Butterfly went to private school and Greg eats dairy in secret.”


“If you call me a warrior, what of my bad days? Am I no longer strong?”

Kristen Ruchalski, Not a Warrior

“And my feet take me where i need to go instead of the men’s section where i’d like to be.”

Icarus Grey, every time the washing machine stops

“We decided what an ugly thing must need is to be touched by the sun - as we all do.”

Annalise Parady, Things That Grow in the Dark

“I’ll scatter the red berries, let them be like the feathers of a cardinal”

Irina Tall Novikova, three mixed media collages

“Heat lightning strikes the prairie. Another node appears.”

Terry Trowbridge, Ginger Learns

“I Had To Quit Sports Because of Chronic Illness but it Didn’t Matter Because I Wasn’t Very Good”

— Josie Cressler, Volumes 1-4, Volumes 5-8

“Birds pecked my silence Winter covered screaming wounds with snow”

Mykyta Ryzhykh