
An archive in progress, Corporeal aims to gather experiences of embodiment from all walks of life.

Corporeal and en*gendered aim to facilitate healthy and safe exploration of embodiment related to disability, age, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, and more.

Editors work on crip time, which means we work when we can and extend that same respect to our artists.

All submissions, inquiries, and comments should be sent to

Guidelines and tips for submission:

We are open to art in any form we can find a way to host.

We will not be home to hate, discrimination, hurtful commentary, or graphic depictions of sexual violence.

All submissions must be tagged with applicable content warnings. In particular, the editors ask that you flag sexual violence, child abuse, disordered eating, self harm, suicidal ideation, and any discussion of vomiting.

Please use the name you should be addressed by (we don’t need your legal anything) and do not include your physical address.