Katie Peckham



aspire to these mis-
understood heroines—mis-
labeled by those 
who fear their power

a power divine
a gift
a glorious habitat

the clitoris a clue: 
sole human organ 
among all human organs
with no other function—
no purpose at all—
but her pleasure

accept that rapture, then, 
like mary:
let it be unto you
according to your creator’s word

say yes to full-body orgasms—
not just seven but seventy times seven

embrace as divine omniscience 
your emotional complexity
which senses when sex stumbles on 
stones of discord and dissonance
your no in that moment rings out prophetic
your shut-down body is the voice crying out in the desert

 enthrone your enthusiastic consent 
and never betray her

indulge in your titillations and thrills 
like rich dark chocolate 
unfolds in a smooth ribbon of 
warm melted perfection onto tongues

bathe in 
your comfort longer than you should

roar with 
white hot delight at completion

resound with 
the sublime

able to bear children or not—
we who hold, who shelter,
we are life force
assigned female at birth or not—
we who enrich, who persist,
we are life force

protect it
as desperately as the ones who seek it daily
who seek to suck it from your pores your words
your listening your understanding

do not sell it 
for weak imitations of validation

let those who seek it soak in your light
be warmed by your energy
but never take it

keep it selfishly, always
you are its steward for a reason

for only within you 
will it be nourished and grow
only within you—overcomer of
strain and disempowerment—will it continue to

transcend all, include all, world without end
sing, then, your magnificat
your amazing
your miraculous 
tilt, then, your queenly head 

when they praise your beauty 
let the smileflood flow
let joypower carry you
ride it as a wave
that is yours by divine inheritance

KATIE E. PECKHAM writes and wonders in Los Angeles, in between building pillow forts with her kids and failing to keep up with the cilantro turning to slime in her fridge. She is a neurodivergent who has a deep and abiding love for underdogs. She has been published in Anti-Heroin Chic, Running With Water, and Quillkeepers.